Role of calcium in the mechanism of cardiomyocyte contraction-relaxation

EarlyTox Cardiotoxicity Kit can be used for characterizing the impact of pharmacological compounds on peak frequency (BPM), peak amplitude and beat pattern and is designed to work with stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes or primary cardiomyocytes. Peak frequencies are determined from changes in intracellular calcium concentration monitored by the EarlyTox Cardiotoxicity Dye. Role of calcium in cardiomyocyte contraction-relaxation includes: 2.1. Membrane depolarization occurs, calcium channels open and calcium enters cytosol. 2.2. Intracellular calcium triggers calcium release from sarcoplasmic reticulum. 2.3. Cytoplasmic calcium binds to troponin, activates sarcomere. 2.4. Cardiomyocyte contraction occurs. 2.5. Removal of calcium by active transport into the sarcoplasmic reticulum and calcium exchange with extracellular fluid. 2.6. Cycle repeats.